A real-time algorithmic trading bot utilizing Alpaca Trade API to take the human factor out of trading.
A text analysis application that processes text files as optimally efficient as possible using multithreading.
A rest API that connects to a mysql database of Counter-Strike Global Offensive professional matches.
Utilizing a multitude of API's to display golf courses within X distance of inputted zipcode.
A database system and web app for a fantasy soccer application connecting to a basic mysql database.
A analysis of the 2018 college basketball season. With data visualization as well as ML models like KNN.
Takes a command list in text format and executes all commands and redirects output to console and text using pipes.
Scripts and smart contracts for deploying Cardano Native tokens and ERC20 tokens in Solidity & Bash.
A command line application where it computes the divisor of a number or the GCF of two numbers to CL in C.
A pattern matching system implemented in C where it can detect basic patterns in small images.
The very first programming project I have made, a basic remake of a classic arcade game in Javascript.
A basic contact form created with Spring Boot that sends an automated email message to the recipient.